The Blue Pencil Cafe is an opportunity for you to have your work reviewed by a professional writer. Chat about your work and ask questions about the knottiest problems you're facing.
Blue Pencil appointments are 15 minutes each.
You will find the Blue Pencil Cafe in the Fraser Room on the main floor.
Choose among available presenters for a brief critique of your work or discussion about a problem you're having with your writing, writing generally, or the industry when you register. Some presenters look at pages; some don't. Please check bios. If they don't specify, pages or writing-related questions are fine.
CHECK presenter bios for any presenter-specific guidelines about blue pencil appts.
Appointments are based on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early for best choice.
There is no additional charge for this service, and sessions are one-on-one.
Book additional appointments outside the Fraser Room door daily, as available.
Appointments take place during workshop time. Please try to exit and re-enter quietly.
Leave enough time to arrive five minutes early for your appointment.
If you are bringing pages, bring a maximum of three pages of your best work (double-spaced).
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